Friday, March 26, 2010

A Phone Call With Dave Mustaine

I was seriously impressed by a young girl in one of my classes today and its definitely worth mentioning.  We finished the lesson with five minutes left in class so I decided to teach the kids about palindromes (you know, words like "kayak" and "racecar" that can be spelled the same forwards and backwards).  I told the kids that if they could think of any other palindromes I'd give them a lollipop.  Well I heard a few lame ones like "mom" and "did" before this usually quiet girl who sits in the corner blew me away with "Was it a cat I saw?"  ARE YOU SERIOUS?!  One lollipop isn't enough for that gem, I gave her five.  Wish I could figure out where she learned that one and why she even remembered it.

Anyway, here's a little video I threw together at work a few weeks ago before I actually had classes to teach and was bored out of my mind.  If you're not a Megadeth fan or don't even know what a megadeath is than you probably won't find this funny and I apologize for being that much more awesome than you in advance.

Cool Thing About Korea #50:  Korean TV.  Whether you're on a bus, in a convenience store, a taxi cab, the subway, or climbing a mountain, you can bet there's a monitor in your field of vision that's flashing clips of cute animals to whiny, unbelieving narration.


  1. I don't know what's more ridiculous. The video itself or your hair...

  2. cute animals? didn't you eat one of them last week>
